Though this is my fifth year doing NaNoWriMo, it’s my first year ever attending any write-ins or events, let alone the midnight write-in for November 1st! There was quite a turn-out for a late-night, midweek midnight write-in, and it was pretty cool, I have to say. Everybody sort of ended up grouped up with whoever sat down at the same table or in some cases, part of the floor, but everyone was chatting and getting to know each other all the way up until the countdown.
Then, the only sound was the clicking and tapping of fingers on keyboards. It was a little surreal. Now, I went to college– hell, I went to high school, where there were computer labs and study halls and kids quietly doing what they’re supposed to do, but it was almost eerie how everyone just went quiet and started typing when the clock struck twelve. Nobody kept up their conversations. Nobody interrupted. Just a bunch of writerly nerds sitting collectively while they began writing their own individual novels. I’m pleased to say that around 1 A.M. I finished my daily 1,667 word goal, and around 1:30, I hit 2k, and called it a night.
I can’t say I have any new “friends” after attending, but it’s early. I have met some wonderful people and it’s such an incredible feeling to sit in with a group of people who just get this part of you, the impulse and desire to write, even if the 50,000 word part is a little bit nuts. I don’t know anybody too well yet, but it’s comforting to know that they’re there to vent to and chat to about the one thing we all have in common.
Progress/word count
As I mentioned, I’m just over 2,000 words as of day 1. Yay me! As to the story, it’s been mostly narration with only a couple short action scenes and for once, very little dialogue. I do need to move into another action scene soon, and if I get time later today, I think I will try to work on that.
I was really frustrated with my outline after I did it the first time, and it was making me nervous about putting the story together once Nano officially began. Finally, I decided to redo it just a couple days before November 1. After reworking a few things, changing some character names and backgrounds, it was so much better. I think I was a little overly ambitious in my first outline, and while I do love testing my limits, I think some parts of this process still need to begin from a comfort zone before I can break out of it with other parts of the story. I feel off to a slow start, despite my word count, but I’m hoping to pick up steam over the weekend.

First of all, Halloween is sort of a thing at my office, so a bunch of people really went all out with the costumes. I’ve never been much of a costume person, but I love Halloween for the movies, books, the decorations, the spooky vibe, the fall air, and of course, the candy doesn’t hurt :)
Secondly, we had a TON of trick-or-treaters! Last year, we had none. NONE. This year, we only got one bag of candy because of how few kids we usually get, but there had to be 15 or 20 kids this time. I thought there might not be any more kids after the first gaggle of 8 or 9 came by, so I was handing it out by the fistful. After the doorbell rang a couple more times, I realized maybe I’d better ration the candy out a bit more!
The editing
With NaNoWriMo in full swing, the editing is on hold almost certainly until December. Should I find my word count way ahead of my goal (5-10k over the cumulative goal for that day), I may consider taking a break and switching back to editing for a day or so. Unless I don’t feel like it. Then I’ll probably just power ahead with the new project!
Looking ahead
I would like to attend more write-ins if only to avoid being a recluse to the same extent that I usually am. I’m not sure how many since some of them interfere with my work schedule and many are a farther distance than I prefer to drive, but I’m going to do my best.
On an individual level, I am struggling a bit because I have some mild tendonitis in my right arm/wrist/elbow, and some symptoms of it in my left hand (blame the day job :/ ), but I fully intend to keep up with my noveling AND not make my tendonitis worse at the same time. How? If I have to, I’ll dictate some of my novel to my phone and fight the urge to edit it for punctuation before adding it to the Scrivener file!
Hopefully, the tendonitis is the only impediment I have to noveling glory come November 30th! Writer’s block be damned!
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this month? If so, add me as a writing buddy! I’m @ jlcaden. Also, I am an awesome motivator, should you find yourself in need of one.
Anyway, good luck and happy November!
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